LAYBS will adhere to all guidelines put forth by the city of Long Beach in regards to participation in youth sports. Those guidelines can be found in the attachment below.
The league will also have additional guidelines that either mirror what has been provided by the city or that focus on our program and facility at El Dorado Park. These guidelines are as follows:
- Coaches will be approved by our board of directors and assisted in practice planning if needed by our coaching development team.
- Practices will be focused on training, fundamentals and drill work. No games or competitions between groups is allowed at this time.
- If you are sick, feeling sick or have been around anyone that has been sick then please stay home.
- Coaches will be required at practice to have hand sanitizer along with any other covid-19 related safety products.
- LAYBS will have Covid-19 related cleaning and safety products on hand in the snack bar along with field booth 1 and 2.
- No sharing of equipment by players. The league will not be issuing any equipment to teams to share amongst players.
- Members of our board of directors and coaching development team will be in attendance throughout the Fall to help ensure teams are following the guidelines put in place.
- Using the inside of the dugouts for seating and congregating is prohibited. Players will store their bags on or near the fence of the dugout and spaced out appropriately.
- Teams will enter and exit the fields for practice on opposite sides of each other.
- Registered players and families will be asked to only come to the facility for their scheduled practice time. No loitering or non baseball related gatherings.
- The bleachers will be off limits for seating.
- Parents are encouraged to wait in their cars for practice to end. If you choose to watch practice you will need to sit in your own provided chair and physically distance from others.